Caupechian Underground
Caupechian Underground???


Caupechian Underground???
Guerilla Janitors Manifesto
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Caupechian Free Distro

(Copied verbatim from Caupechian Statement of Purpose)

First of all what does the word Caupechian mean?  The word Caupechian is a made up word that reflects the made up identity of a made up ethnic group.  The original plan of the group, which is now regarded as ludicrous bunkum, was to use the idea of an ethnic group to create a shadow society/economy, which would eventually take the place of the current system. 


Thats fine, but what is a shadow society? A shadow society is linked to the idea of a shadow economy.  Our group believes that the creation of an effective society and economy outside the current system is necessary for the world to move beyond the current mess of hierarchical and repressive systems.  The shadow economy and society would allow for anyone to feasibly & comfortably outside the system and thus leading to the systems eventually collapse.  The presence of a shadow economy would work in tandem with the ideals/tactics of anti-work anarchism, revolutionary anarchist, the syndicalist organization of worker owned industries, and it would help to stop the destruction of the natural world. 


Thats a nice grand theory but what can I do to help this idea?  Well the exact framework of a shadow society is up in the air and will be until it becomes a fully functioning reality.  The idea of shadow economy should not be used though to create a subculture or a punk club instead the shadow society must reach out to anybody and anyone.  Right now there are plenty of things one can do including babysitting, starting community gardens, opening community spaces, starting bookstores, lending libraries, infoshops, free stores, and free restaurants.  The idea is to not alienate people but to show them a world can exist in which human feelings are more important than monetary gain.

 Now for an unrelated question what is the organizations background? Well the Caupechian Underground was started when an unsuspecting left-leaning college student walked in on two traveler kids talking and hiding from the rain in the students resident halls rec room.  The college student joined in the conversation and formed a friendship with the two, which later would just involve the travelers eating his food and sleeping in his room.  The travelers amazed with their host hospitality invited several more of their traveling friends to stay there, thus the CU was born.


What are the Caupechian Undergrounds current projects?  Well when the group isnt table diving food, or sneaking into dining halls they are busily attempting to overthrow capitalism.  Current projects include the Caupechian Free Distro, a book in the works on shadow economy, and work marches forward on several zines and materials. 

"Anarchy means taking life by the hips and having wild, unprotected sex with my future."